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original collage artwork by 'Flow.her', made with pressed dried flowers and paper cutouts
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original collage artwork by 'Flow.her', made with pressed dried flowers and paper cutouts

de Fleurs

de la nature


Scénographie  végétale

poésie florale

Visual artist, nature and vegetal are my source of inspiration and are at the heart of my work.


I also play with photography, collages, paper, cardboard, textiles and what I find in nature to create dreamlike and poetic universes that are embodied in paintings, illustrations, installations, frescoes, street collage, land art or mixed sculptures.


My work is the expression of my love for the living, to create and be inspired by nature and its complexity, to observe its capacity for resilience and abundance, but also to use it to highlight its fragility in the face of the ecological crisis through aesthetic and poetic installations.

original collage artwork by 'Flow.her', made with pressed dried flowers and paper cutouts
Soriana travaillant sur un collage dans son atelier de jardin pittoresque à Arles, France.
original collage artwork by 'Flow.her', made with pressed dried flowers and paper cutouts

Photo by  À la Blanca

original collage artwork by 'Flow.her', made with pressed dried flowers and paper cutouts
FLOW.HER - Filmic Portrait

FLOW.HER - Filmic Portrait

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Film by À la Blanca


original collage artwork by 'Flow.her', made with pressed dried flowers and paper cutouts
original collage artwork by 'Flow.her', made with pressed dried flowers and paper cutouts
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+33 601 81 1372

Artist Soriana checking on a fried pressed flower in her picturesque garden atelier

Photo by À la Blanca



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